Learning from Illumination Writers

Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2020


Lessons from Diverse Thoughts, Forms and Topics

I love reading articles in Illumination.

They are truly inspirational.

Whether it’s the stories that made me chuckle or the splendid use of language that made me a fan or simply the the messages- I love reading, nay, learning from the articles in my feed from this publication every day.

Illumination writers pen their thoughts on a variety of topics and forms. As a reader, that is what draws me to the stories here. The fact that they truly embody the vision of the publication as outlined by the brilliant Dr Mehmet Yildiz:

…We aim to bring writers, editors, and readers to create a social circle of content development, dissemination, and consumption with joint effort. Our aim is to empower our writers to improve their skills and connections which can enable them gain visibility to their content…

Whether it’s about life’s winding paths or growing up, I love how writers reflect honestly on their journeys and come away wiser and nicer and more empathetic. It inspires me and makes me want to do the same.

Like Alison Acheson’s words about life being big and wonderful! Her path may have been full of twists and turns, but she’s been soaking up all the lessons and gifts that came along the way…




Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.