Learning Through Imitating Others

And, how imitation plays a most important role in your self-development.

Pooja Shrivas


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When was your last time when you observe someone? And, later felt like you learned something worthy for yourself and you realized that actually you imitated that person. But you learned from it right?

Is that learning or imitating? Confusing. Isn’t it?

Imitation is natural when it comes to kids because they grow by imitating people around them, but when we talk about adult’s imitation it’s not just about imitating others — It’s beyond that.

People imitate others when they like or are impressed by any particular quality or an act of another person but it’s learning by imitating their surrounding environment that every human does to know and survive in this world.

Even they learn from other’s mistakes.

Research shows an adult 90% learn from his social environment for his social as well as self-development. So, adults aren’t just replicate other actions or qualities but they learn from others.

No doubt I and you and everyone mostly learn from their social environment and usually, we feel inspired and willing to learn from such things or people whom We like.



Pooja Shrivas

Writing makes me more comfortable with my thoughts. I write about the relationship, life, mental health & self-improvement.