Learnings from a Long-term Project

How have you grown from long-term projects?

Purvee Chauhan


It wasn’t until I agreed to doing a prestigious long-term project that I realized that it takes a lot MORE out of you than you can ever anticipate.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I thought this project aligns with my skills, my understanding, is useful, and quite distinguished in all its ways — so, I pounced upon it with no second thought. The project lasted for two and a half years of active work and will come to complete fruition only after six more months. For context, it was a research-based writing project that was a meta-research of decades worth of work. It consumed whole of me and, now when it is almost complete and real, I am relieved, overwhelmed and overjoyed at the same time. While I can go on and on talking about the project and its content, I wanted to take time to reflect on the learnings and how they’ve shaped me into being more of me. So, here it is, in the most succinct form I could compose:


The project required me to outline, compose, and author a research-focused book synthesizing years of research (needless to mention, with mentorship and guidance from experts in the field). One of the things I’ve learnt is that I LOVE organizing information into a format that can be best understood by the audience I am presenting it to. This was…



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince