Leaves that leaves

a free verse poem on tree leaves

Somsubhra Banerjee


Photo by Laura Baker on Unsplash

perched by an old bark of an unknown tree,
a gush of cold wind caressing my senses,
i see a sea of yellow leaves drifting by me,
bouncing and spinning,
hither and tither,
before getting lost under the tall grass,
where it would dry further, trampled by someone’s shoes,
probably some ants would walk over it,
before finally getting soaked in the soil.

what does the tree feel,
as it sees a part of itself,
taking birth, growing green,
turning yellow and winding off,
a faint pull from the branch,
by the wind, carrying it to a faraway land, forever?
does it even have a count of the leaves,
that spurts and finally leaves,
or it has accepted the fact,
that this is what reality is,
one comes and the other goes,
true for every organism in this cosmic universe,
old replaced by new,
the cycle of life!

Thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, and the entire team at Illumination for sheltering a lot of my poems!



Somsubhra Banerjee

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)