An acrostic poem for the season

Bob Jasper


Photo by Kamil Szumotalski on Unsplash

Lost in my thoughts…
Evening comes;
Night follows.
To make things feel right, I sit quietly.
Even though I make the effort
Nothing happens; I sleep.

Practice makes perfect, they say.
Regardless of what you may think,
Action is needed.
Cementing a relationship takes time. (I’m new at this.)
Taking my lead from those who seem to know the way
I sit comfortably and try not to think; just be!
Chimes sound, twenty minutes pass, more chimes.
Each person stirs as the allotted time ends.
Sitting quietly we gradually return to the world.

I love the acrostic structure. Tim Maudlin teaches the technique as an aid to story writing. The acrostic word or phrase forms a guiding light. It challenges me to come up with appropriate words and verses. I never know what they will be or where they will lead. In a way, it's like meditating.

This poem was inspired by Ioana Andrei and her acrostic poem “Calm.” Thank you, Ioana!



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.