Less Work And Mo’ Play

Occupied with joy

Hazen Henry


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

A recent survey in Fly Fest Digest claimed that most adults aren’t playful.

The gadfly who authored the piece(which flew over most peoples’ heads) went further as to compare adults to spiders. He even suggested that as spiders have their reasons for weaving their sticky little webs, so do adults weave for themselves webs that keep them trapped in places where they experience little joy.


Though life is built around exchange, in our youth we had the wisdom of being unshakable — unwilling to trade what we knew to be most valuable. Quite likely, as our need for approval grew, we also received teachers who convinced us otherwise and so we learned to acquiesce. If we haven’t forgotten entirely, we scarcely remember owning the prize we now spend our time and efforts seeking.

We often invest in our ambitions and acquisitions — as if joy could be gained from them and settle for the meager attention they garner us. When the grandeur fades, what are we left with?

Faces that once looked impressed, stare back at us sadly bored. Did we really forget that it was inevitable — that no one is ever too long impressed with our dreams and our toys?

The good news is that joy and laughter were never too far from our thoughts, never…



Hazen Henry

Dancer || Storyteller || Friend of anyone who dares to live with passion