Lesson from a leader: Happiness

Here is how a leader defines happiness!

Sooraj Ram
2 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The more you read philosophy, the more questions you ask. So much that you end up questioning the fundamentals, and at times the obvious! Call it sanity or insanity, I enjoy it ~ I remember reading “Wisdom of Life” by Arthur Schopenhauer and getting lost in a train of thoughts in search of the meaning of Happiness. After much introspection, I penned a poem titled “The Concept of Happiness”. However, it’s not about what I think and what I wrote. Today, it’s about a lesson I got from an accomplished leader and how he defines happiness — hence life!

I — a speck in this universe

To understand happiness, it is important to realize that we are nothing but a small dent in this massive universe. I am just 1 out of 81,000,000,000 people on Earth. So the actions I take aren’t going to affect much ~ considering I’m just a speck in this universe! So there is no point in living for others, but for myself — and of course, for my family.

My time — limited

Earth may last for another billion-something years — but my life is going to be limited. I may live for 70–80 years, so it only makes sense for me to do whatever I feel like doing within this period. It shouldn’t be the case that I figured out the meaning of happiness at around 80 — only to live a “happy life” for one year. Live, and then define!

Happiness = progress

Occihiolism wasn’t something new to me, so the above two points were not as impactful as how he married happiness and progress!

So here’s how it works ~ let’s say you went to a nearby hill station to spend your vacation — next time you wouldn’t feel like going there again even if you had a great time. Because your mind would want more — so you’d plan on going to Thailand or elsewhere. You ain’t going to Thailand for free — you set yourself a goal, and you’ll work towards it. Hence, without you even knowing you’re making progress by chasing happiness!

Concept of Happiness

The very concept of happiness — which took me years to build — seemed to be wrong after listening to him talk for only 5 minutes. You don’t need to learn philosophy to understand the concept of happiness. Just look at successful people and how they define happiness. This is my key takeaway!



Sooraj Ram

Early 20s, Engineer, Data Analytics, Writing, and Blogger @ https://lifein20s.home.blog/. Let I be known to me, and unbeknownst to many...