Lessons Learned From My Kick-Ass Dad

Cassandra Here
Published in
6 min readSep 5, 2020


Photo by lauren lulu taylor on Unsplash

My dad’s brilliant; enough to make you a little mad that you’re probably not going to be that smart. He also holds a black belt in multiple martial arts and once waded through alligator-infested waters at night to get our family home in a flood. And yet those aren’t really the things that make him cool.

From my earliest memories, my dad has been one of my best friends. Even now as a thirty-year-old woman, I get a WhatsApp message from him most mornings.

It helps that we‘re both writers and interested in a lot of the same things. But the main reason for our closeness is that he has always treated me as a person worthy of respect and has acted as a force for good in my life.

His example and our many conversations over the years are perhaps the main reasons I didn’t fall into the patterns of bitterness and unfulfillment that have plagued generations of women in my family.

There are many things from him that informed the person I am today, and most of these were examples he set. Here are just a few.

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