Lessons We Can Learn From Our Uncertain Lives

And yet we keep getting tense over petty issues.

Vritant Kumar
3 min readDec 11, 2022


Photo by Barthelemy de Mazenod on Unsplash

Yesterday, I watched two TED Talks that talked about how uncertain our lives are. (Here are the links: first and second.)

Speakers in both talks narrated a very dark story from their lives — one about the chronic disease of her wife while the other about the death of her parents in a car accident.

The theme of the talks was uncertainty and how to navigate it.

This topic made me think. Yes, our lives are uncertain. And if it is to this extent, then why do we keep fretting about petty things?

Is embracing it the solution? Yes, it is.

But a far better solution is inculcating resilience towards the same. We never know what life will throw at us next.

We need to find a middle ground amidst the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

It may look insignificant but small things have a huge impact on our behaviour and the day at large.

Some days ago, my test scores hit rock bottom: 20/80. It made me sad as I thought I was pretty good at the topic that was asked.

One day after that I attempted one more mock test and scored 141/160. I was on cloud nine.

I was so sad just a day ago, and now I am dancing — the subject in both scenarios is the same.

That, I think, is the bedrock of uncertainty. Nothing is going to last forever. Neither our plans nor our future is certain. A slight push can change the whole trajectory of our lives.

Isn’t it the most beautiful thing life has to offer? And yet, sometimes it turns out to be the worst thing we get for our patience.

Look, uncertainty exists in that sentence only.

Oh, if I am talking about uncertainty only how can I forget to mention the serendipitous chance I encountered to meet Akudo’s founders a couple of days ago.

Looking at two different cameras at a single time.

I was literally getting a déjà vu till the time they said they were indeed the founders of a fin-tech company Akudo.

For the first time I felt how humble and down-to-earth founders CEOs of million-dollar companies are.

Loved the talk, and more than that, grateful for the chance/uncertainty of encountering this moment.

These past few days have taught me that highs and lows will keep coming. This is life, as they say.

You need to find a middle ground where you can be patient enough to persevere through the challenge/good times thrown your way.

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Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: vritant.substack.com