Let Go — and Watch What Happens
Surrender and find the silver lining to bring peace into your life
Do you think that if you let go of control, you are giving up? I used to think that years ago. I’d try to control ‘everything’ I could and now I look back and see it’s because I wanted to feel safe.
Except it wasn’t bringing me any security — and thinking this way led to me feeling frustrated, depressed, anxious, and stressed out. I was living in a low vibrational state.
Can you relate?
These last four years in particular have us as a society blaming, shaming, divided and living in all that is deemed wrong with little focus or attention on what is deemed right…
…I have stepped back from the news and negative social media posts as a means of controlling myself and how I feel. I’ve shared all along that there is a negativity bias and there is nothing we can do about it, except not get caught up in it.
By letting go of control — which is also known as the practice of surrender, you can begin to accept what comes your way and trust the process when it does.
When things are going smoothly, it’s easy to do that — and when it isn’t, it becomes an opportunity to grow and learn.