Let Go Of The “Get Rich Quick” Mentality When Creating Online

and grow slowly.

Kristina God, MBA


Let Go Of The “Get Rich Quick” Mentality When Creating Online
Image by rawpixel.com

Personally, I think it’s important to let go of the “get rich quick” mentality.

This toxic mentality is stopping so many incredible creators before they even have a chance to succeed online.

I love this often quoted anecdote from Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) and Warren Buffet (the formerly richest man in the world):

Jeff Bezos once asked Warren Buffett:

“You are the second richest man in the world and yet you have the simplest investment thesis. How come others didn’t follow this?”

To which Warren Buffett responded:

“Because no one wants to get rich slowly.”

20 months ago, I started with zero followers, earnings and views.

Today, I earn 4 digits monthly, have 6K followers, and around 50K views per month.

Six years, my husband Patrick God started creating online courses.

After our baby was born (2021), he started a YouTube channel to offer free educational content.

Today, he has around 25K subscribers on YouTube, helped 70,000 students on Udemy, and owns a 6-figure…



Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/