Let Me In..

Soul’s need

Jan 14, 2021


Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels
Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

Here I am
waiting for you to let me enter.

These walls you have been building,
Will make you feel the safest,
Until the storm of loneliness comes and shatters you to death.

I have been through this phase
felt that these walls do not even need a window.
I felt peace inside
I felt safe inside
I forgot that I would also need someone to give away the love I carry
There was no one to demand love.

Souls want to love someone.
So do Yours.
Just let it go and let me in.
I will not allow even myself to hurt your beautiful heart
trust me and let me in.




Human Developmentalist with a writing passion. Revisiting my own thinking for creativity. It must flow. chandani.9499@gmail.com Instagram- @chandanirajput