Let Me Teach You How To Write A Story That Guarantees A 100% Non-Curation Rate!

Can we have some fun with writing, please?

Aldric Chen


Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash

Everyone writes about how to get stories curated. Oh, come on. There is life outside of curation and further distribution. As the master of phenomenal non-curation success, let me teach you how to not to be curated with a 100% hit rate.

You might be scratching your head. Like, dude. I want to be curated! Why am I reading about non-curation?

The answer is a simple one. Curation, or more recently known as further distribution, requires structure. You need to write in a way that qualifies for further distribution. If we always try to write in that manner, we will lose the joy of writing in the first place.

We need to have fun every once in a while when the blue moon shines.

So, here you go. These are my 4 tips that guarantee fun in writing and a 100% non-curation rate!

Tip 1 — Be Long-Winded. No, Be SUPER Long-Winded.

Write with a refusal to place a period. Keep your sentences so long, so long, that readers know you are having fun.

This is my advice for best practice writing.



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.