Let Me Thank You Dear God For This Gift Of Life

All my life, I have been waiting for a blessing—I just didn’t realize I was the one

Josh Balerite Acol
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2021


Image captured and owned by the author

Thank you, dear God, I say unceasingly to you
However big or small, whether
A challenge is hard or easy, you
Never tire to empower me, a
Killer disease has engulfed the world, but

You carried me up and protected me
Out of pure love, you always
Upped my game when I feel down

Despite all my misdeeds
Every day is a new day,
A given chance to mend my ways, to
Radiate kindness to every one I meet

Giving me hope constantly, for me
Only you is my sole
Defender and consolation.

On this my natal day, I created this poem in gratefulness to God for his never-ending love and guidance in every struggle of my life.

Furthermore, I thank Him for giving me a friend in you, in my writing journey. I humbly extend my sincere appreciation, to you, too.

Thanks so much for dropping by. Stay well ever.

©2021 Josh Balerite Acol All Rights Reserved



Josh Balerite Acol

Writer|Editor|Mom-Dad of 4|Loves all things inspiring! Feel the love and fun. Support my writings — join now!