Let Perfect Be The Enemy Of Good

Startup Lab
Published in
7 min readSep 10, 2023


How Perfectionism Can Stop You From Accomplishing Your Goals

Let perfect be the enemy of good
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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the phrase, “Let perfect be the enemy of the good.” Most commonly attributed to Voltaire, it’s a phrase that can be interpreted in a number of ways. In my opinion, it means two things:

  1. Don’t get so hung up on your idea of perfect, that it prevents you from ever getting started and making progress.
  2. You can spoil a perfectly good thing by obsessing over how it could be better.

Typically when people say this phrase they are referring to the first interpretation. It would be like a starving person refusing to eat what’s in front of them because they are holding out for the perfect meal. We can’t imagine this situation ever happening, yet humans will basically do the equivalent when it comes to their work and projects. The phrase uncovers a lot about human nature, happiness, and our pursuit of meaningful and fulfilling goals. We are messy and imperfect, yet something deep within us craves the unobtainable, the romanticized idea of perfection.

I’ll Get Started When The Conditions Are Perfect

Humans are great at procrastination. Letting perfect be the enemy of good is just another way we can avoid actually getting started and making…



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