Let the Children Play

Why unstructured playtime is so important for children’s development

Jessica Lucia


Photo by Kampus Production: https://www.pexels.com/photo/children-playing-with-balloons-on-green-grass-field-6299265/

Mental Issues Amongst Children

For the past couple of years, my son has struggled with behavioral issues — most of which stem from his anxiety and ADHD. I use various methods at home to ameliorate these issues, but I often get emails from his teacher and calls from the principal, explaining my son’s disruptive behaviors and consequences at school. My son will soon finish up second grade, and over the course of the past two school years, he’s had lunch detention, been excluded from classroom activities, and been forced to sit out during recess.

To make sense of my son’s conduct and find ways to help him, I recently began reading The Good News About Bad Behavior, written by parent educator Katherine Reynolds Lewis. The first few chapters sent me down a rabbit hole of research, and I emerged from the warrens with a different perspective and a whole new set of questions.

First, we need to consider the environment in which our children are now growing up. Children are overstimulated. The diagnoses of mental disorders, including ADHD, anxiety, and depression have been increasing. And many children struggle with self-regulation. Multiple factors play into these trends, the most recognized of which…



Jessica Lucia

Educator. Mother. Runner. Co-editor of Tell Your Story. I love the New York Mets, bridges terrify me, and I hate cottage cheese.