Let The Rain Fall

Wishes of a pluviophile

Salitha Nirmana Meththasinghe
2 min readApr 26, 2020


Image by chulmin park on Pixabay

Wind baptized by heat rules the atmosphere roaming everywhere
Yet it’s no longer an auspice of hope but something that tires exhausted bodies
Torsos of trees let go of dry leaves surrendering to its will, hiding the remorse
Provoked dust teases the strained eyes but tear glands keep a poker face

Lament of beings for a drop of water fills the air replacing cheep with sound of misery
while mirage is reinforcing the effect showing the wounded a false hope
Sun absorbs the silent sighs of a dry and cracked earth holding on to passive intentions
While profusely soaking anything with its rays unconsciously fueling the drought

Uncountable eyes are towards the sky yearning to see a ray of fortune
Only to get lost in the blue endless abyss hanging right above their heads
A single thought sparks the nerves that lurk in their skulls
Even the heaven is blind to the pain they are going through at the moment?

So, dear mother earth,

kindly wake up from your sleep
and open your eyes,
don’t let the prayers those innocents mutter in their mournings
pass beyond you without getting noticed,
Make your mind to allow these dethroned rivers and streams
to return to their old glory,
Let thunder become a music to the ears and

Let the rain fall

They say seasons are colourful, ravishing and satisfying
Yet for me it’s like staring at pitch-black dark with unblinking eyes
Loneliness haunts me but the surroundings are busy and crowded
Even the finest tunes of maestros won’t break the empty silence within me

Hours become days and days become years
But lost the track of time a long ago even if it’s in plain sight
Every conception my senses touch is one more root to bitterness
Every road my imagination walks along ends with a dead-end ruining hope

Oh! Mighty universe, I humbly address you

Your methods are mysterious, magical and radical
You have your own ways to guard the flow of existence
Yet doesn’t it break your heart to send someone through so much suffering?

In fact,
I’m not asking for the power to conquer the world
After all, my world lies within me
But there is this subtle emotion that soothes somebody to the core
It’s the sun-lit horizon in an infinite sea in morning and night
It’s the dawn that kisses the mountain peaks dispelling the darkness
And incomparably it’s the light at the end of the tunnel
please gather your compassion and pour it into nectar
Then, ultimately make a rain
Of course,
A rain of nectar baptized by love that
strengthens anybody to survive thousands of
rainless deserts with no oases……

