Let’s Build Some Houses!!

I’m thinking, maybe, 30 million or so?

Charles Bastille
Published in
11 min readApr 18, 2023


I recently wrote about the potential of a jobs program to help Democrats appeal to rural voters in America. Guess what? I’ve got something even better for you.

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That’s right, another federal program! Sort of.

First, the problem

If you’re younger than 30, you know all about the housing crisis. Your rent has probably gone up 30% or more in the last year or so, right? If not, get ready, because it’s about to.

We can attribute much of that to things like landlord greed and the consolidation of the rental market into a few large companies and private equity firms, but it’s also a game of simple availability: There’s just not enough affordable housing to go around.

It doesn’t help that the concept of starter homes has very nearly been removed from the American lexicon.

The housing crisis also makes it impossible to solve the immigration conundrum that conservatives (and lately, Biden) uses to punish hungry, desperate families walking a thousand miles through thickets of narco gangs and impossible terrain to seek a better life.



Charles Bastille

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at https://www.ruminato.com/. All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille