Let’s Give Credit to Whom Credit is Due

Honoring ancient Greek philosophers and those who write about them for their contributions to modernity

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman


by philipus licensed from depsitphotos.com

Medium’s algorithm had locked this story by Tiffany about heaven and hell in my feed for days. I follow Tiffany because she describes herself as “a girl with an old soul and a lot to share,” and my soul experiencing this17,043rd life, this time cycling in the body of a white, male, Gen-Xer who just missed being a Boomer, is drawn to such chicks. I’ve also had a thing for girls with names like Tiffany. Plus in all seriousness and not with my tongue in her cheek, she writes about topics that interest me. As I said to a friend today:

she writes for a lot of different spiritual pubs and seems to have a theory on everything. She states certain concepts with too much listicality for my taste, like the nonsense about 12 universal laws that I think she posted in Know Thyself, Heal Thyself (which is my spiritual homegroup, and whose owner 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘊. is a spellbinding spiritual-healing-though-chakra-clearing-sorceress), as they all are restatements of various forms of the other “laws” and I know I responded with my 2 cents on many of them, but some of her pieces provide the opportunity for food for thought.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.