My photo of today’s sky. A bright sun among the clouds…


Let’s Keep on Lookin’ for the Light

And we’ll escape the darkness…

Published in
8 min readMay 27, 2020


I sit before my computer this morning with thoughts flowing from the night before. Some articles I read just before bed that made an impact on me.

First was Chris Hedges hauntingly powerful story of her pain. I could feel through her words, her emotions….emotions she is sharing with so many others at this time, expressed as only she can…

I then read Paul Myers MBA inspiring article written based on past interviews with powerful female entrepreneurs. Paul ended his article asking for thoughts from a few of our female friends in the community. I was honored that he included me and speechless in responding…



Michele Thill

Through self-awareness, I help women tap into their inner power. Let’s make the 2nd half of your life the best half!