Let’s Learn About Cactus

Cactus identification (day-2): Acanthocalycium (Echinopsis) thionanthum

Khushi Islam


Photo’s by Wikimedia Commons

Common Name: Acanthocalycium thionanthum
Scientific Name:Acanthocalycium (Echinopsis) thionanthum

Bradleya 5: 92 (1987)
Water: Dry
Soil PH:6.1–7.8
Flower Color: Red, pink, white, orange, or yellow
Special Characteristics: Container, showy flowers
Hardiness Zone(s):10–11
Height At Maturity:1–6"
Sun: Full Sun
Sub Type: Houseplant

Origin and Habitat:
Echinopsis thionantha has a wide range in Argentina in the provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, Salta, and Tucumán. A new location was found in southern Argentina.

It occurs at elevations between 1500 and 3000 meters above sea level.

Grows in rocky soil on mountain slopes in monte shrubland and prepuna. The species is locally abundant. The only threat is the local collection for ornamental use.

Cultivation and Propagation:
Echinopsis thionantha is easy to grow succulent, colder tolerant than most, and less fussy regarding soil conditions.

Growth rate:
It is a fairly rapid growing and easily flowering species.

It likes very porous soil or standard cactus-ready mix soil.

Direct sow after last frost. Seeds germinate approximately in 7–14 days at 21–27° C temperature in spring, remove deliberately the glass cover as soon the plants will be well rooted (ca 1–2 weeks) and keep ventilated, no full sun for young plants!



Khushi Islam

The first thing I did was to be a part of the world and the other is a great way to get the best out of the way.