Let’s Portray Love To Our Homes, As, We Are There More Than Ever, Wink

Guys, we are talking about cleaning, rearranging, ventilating, and frequently using house items, guys!

Nombuso Makhubu


A clean space, this image belongs to @leyameera and it was sourced here https://unsplash.com/@leyameera

Oh, hi there. It is nice that you stopped by. This article aims to improve our living “quarters,” and the cute thing about this is that we aren’t pushing for money spending. Here is a visual to get us started, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCUntHJtHFU

Bedroom image from https://unsplash.com/photos/anA7XzblJoo belonging to @andreaedavis

First of all, do you remember the room you used to sleep in? Yea, that one. Tell me, when was the last time you woke up, changed the sheets and pillowcases, leaving the mattress exposed? I am interested to know if you ever let in fresh air through your bedroom window, and of course, open your curtains?

Yes, let’s then discuss sweeping beneath your bed and bedside tables. Have you done this recently? If not, wipe the floor, carpet, and dusty surface on the floor. If you are imaginative, I’m sure you like what you see. Yes, doing this will mean redoing your bed later on, and be sure to leave a hotel feel for when you next hit the hay-sack.



Nombuso Makhubu

I am of southern African descent living in Ottawa, Canada. My academic qualifications are law, human rights and social justice, global action and engagement.