Illumination Writing Challenge

Let’s Rock That Vote!

My name is Timothy Key, and I support this positive writing challenge

Timothy Key
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2020


If you are like me, you probably dread election season. All of the negative energy and attack ads have to have some sort of massive destructive impact on our collective self-worth and outlook on life.

No matter what the political race, half of the voters are going to be upset with the person elected, and then the other half will slowly be disappointed as the person they voted for ultimately doesn’t have the impact they claimed they would whilst on the campaign trail.

Thankfully for all of us though, Zach J. Watson has offered us a bit of relief and respite from all of the destructive and divisive vibes that hang around election season by offering up this great writing challenge:

Zach asks us to positively highlight a writer using a political advertisement formula, like this:

  • Name of the candidate
  • The issue



Timothy Key

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.