
Let’s Talk About eSports Today.

I provide a quick overview of these exciting and lucrative games based on my experience. Great gamers can earn millions.

Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)
Published in
6 min readJul 23, 2022


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

I like eSports games as they are exciting. Watching them improves my mood and enhances my motivation.

In addition, eSport games contributes to busienss and economy. For example, great gamers earn millions of dollars bringing money to their countries. They inspire me to learn more about these games.

Electronic Sports (eSports) is essentially a competitive gaming branch. I would like to give a quick historical background for those who are not familiar with them.

eSports has a long history. Interestingly, the first-ever eSports tournament was held by the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University in 1972 on October 19th.

24 players met on this day to compete in “Spacewar” At the time, whoever placed first won a one-year subscription to “Rolling Stone” magazine.

Although at the time, the people allowed to compete were limited to universities and other similar institutes.

In the early 90s, Nintendo recognized the potential of the competitive gaming scene. So they organized the “Nintendo World…



Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)

Specialise in Media, Design, Filmmaking, Gaming. I support Illumination as an editor and YouTube coordinator.