Let’s Talk About Our Egos’
A poem about how we have stigmatized the very existence of our egos’
I have it.
You have it.
Everyone has it.
Everyone loathes it.
Everyone vilifies it.
But no one admits to having it.
We tend to deny it — myself included.
I have it in plenty,
Yet I deny it fervently.
Hiding behind the mask of virtue,
I try to trick the masses,
and along with it,
my own conscience.
But in the middle of such trickery,
though it may be rare,
I begin to wonder. Why?
Why is that we deny it?
Why do we find shame in it?
And try to distance ourselves from it when
it’s also something that makes us, us?
When it’s also something that makes us human?
Looking for an answer, I look within.
And without a doubt, an answer appears.