Let’s Talk About Trauma

We are talking about trauma all wrong

Antonieta Contreras


Antonieta Contreras, LCSW-R, CCTP-II, BCN, Author

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If I were to tell you I’m going to talk about “my trauma(s),” what would you imagine? I bet it’d be something like- a narcissistic mother, an alcoholic father, or a history of sexual abuse. Some concepts or images from your own life would come to your mind, and I would probably catch your attention.

But what If I were to tell you I’m going to talk about “trauma.” What do you imagine? Take a few seconds and allow your mind to figure out what you think I am referring to. I couldn’t possibly guess where your mind went.

I’m asking because I want to make a point of how many different meanings we can assign to that word: trauma.

I was not born in the US and English is not my first language, therefore, I try to be as clear as possible about the meaning of the words I use in order to communicate my thoughts well when I’m talking and writing. Trauma is exactly the same word in my language and in several others — maybe because it comes from the exact same word in Greek that means “injury” or “wound.”

As a therapist, it’s really important to confirm that my clients understand what I’m saying and that I understand what they are telling me. When there is confusion with any…



Antonieta Contreras

Antonieta is a psychotherapist certified in Trauma Studies, Human sexuality, Neurofeedback, Contemplative psych… She is passionate about facilitating healing.