Letter to Rainn Wilson (Dwight) About His New Book, Soul Boom!

Susan Bostian
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2024


picture of sky with clouds and stars
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Hello Rainn, congratulations on your new book, Soul Boom, Why We Need A Spiritual Revolution. I was at the Kepler’s event in Burlingame, California last night where you talked about building a new religion. In fact, it’s chapter 8, in your book, entitled, Hey, Kids, Let’s Build The Perfect Religion!

I love your idea of taking the best and leaving the rest! As you say, religion comes into existence with the appearance of a new great teacher. I must humbly disagree that the masses don’t want an unemployed actor-guru dispensing advice along with fart jokes.

I always say that although I don’t know who or what created us, I deeply appreciate the inclusion of a sense of humor. If we accept that we are created in the image of our maker, then we must accept that our maker appreciates a good joke too!

So, while I like your suggestion about kissing your holy ghost and calling it SoulBoom, another thought dropped into my brain while watching you on stage.

Here is it… the Church of Dwight. COD. Not GOD. COD. And if we want to make it mean something, we could say that “C” is for compassion, “O” is for Ooooh (like wow, for awe), and “D” for decency.

I’m on board with your ten commandments/fundamentals. No more sky-daddy, no more burning people in…

