Letting Go Of Things That Do Not Matter.

Note To Self.

3 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Marcus Dall Col on Unsplash

Around 10–15 years ago there was an advertisement campaign for Sprite, whose slogan was “Seedhi Baat, No Bakwas”.

It means, “Straight talk, No beating around the bush”.

Thats rare.

Let me do some straight talk here. It’s been on my mind lately. It’s random, but “Seedhi Baat” regardless.

We all know what we must do to become what we aspire to be. We know what we need to do to be where we want to be in life.

Maybe, I need to put it a little differently to make my point clear.

We know what we are not doing to make sure we are not where we wish to be in life.

How do we know it?

We just do.

There is a voice in us. The one we ignore the most, the one we give the least importance to.

It’s not an articulated/clear voice, it rarely is. Mostly, it is a slight whisper in the background of our mental canvas. It communicates to us via another human faculty, intuition/instinct, or feelings. Certain things/actions/people feel right, others don’t. Deep inside, we all have this internal compass, or let us just agree that we develop this as we go along.

But, when it comes down to trusting this faculty, most of us ignore it. Trusting this faculty requires us to act on it and most of us despise taking action. True action could in alignment with instinct feel right on the inside but most of us feed on that feeling and seek it from the outside.


Because we care about things that do not matter. We worry about things that we have no control over.

We care more about outside approval than our alignment.

We care about what other people will think about us.

We care about our image in other people's heads.

What never ceases to amaze me is that we never actually think about the finitude of our lives and how every worry in our life seems infinitely little in the light of this truth.

Our lives are finite.

We die, everyone dies.

If you honestly ponder and meditate on this fact of life and attune to your intuition /instinct you will not waste a single moment of your life worrying about things you have no control over.

Your life will be full of action because you will realize what a colossal waste of your time worrying is.

Let me give you my definition of worrying,

Worry is an anxious emotional reaction that comes by dwelling on what is beyond our control while fully ignoring and not taking action about the things that we have control over”

So, What matters? What don’t? I don't get to decide for you (same as you don't get to decide that for me).

You decide for yourself, and let everything else take a back seat. Decide and know, that the only thing that you can/must do is to take action about things under your control.

As Chuck Palahniuk says in Fight Club, “No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.”

If it does not matter, let it slide.

Thank you for reading!

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