Letting Go Of Your Perfectionism Can Help You Move Forward in Life

Re-frame your mind to see beyond the deceptive illusion that perfectionism creates

Alex Ghaznawi


Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

Perfection is an illusion.

Like any illusion, it has a way of distorting your perception of reality by producing a misleading impression that being perfect is attainable.

On the exterior, your perfectionist attitude toward everything you do may result in praise from others as you’re typically seen as someone who values your work with high standards.

But on the inside, you’re constantly being critical of yourself. You‘re concerned that your work won’t be good enough and that others will know it.

Your life seems to revolve around an endless series of never-ending tasks that often result in disappointment in the work you do, the image you present to the world, the relationships you have with others, or the life you lead.

This often leads to feelings of unfulfillment in the goals, accomplishments, and work that you do.

But, because perfectionism is a state of mind and not a condition of being, you can re-frame your mind to start seeing beyond the deceptive illusion of being perfect.



Alex Ghaznawi

Attempting to solve the who, what, when, how of the universe. Contact: alexghaznawi@gmail.com