Letting go with the rule of 3

Drashti Buch
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2023

A simple rule that will make it easier for you to let go, of what you otherwise would hold on to.

From holding on like glue to letting go like a pro — my life journey has been a whirlwind.

I treasured friendships, and relationships to an extent that I felt I had to do anything in my power to keep it alive and kicking. Result? Well, you all know it :). Being taken for granted, being perceived as clingy, being hurt, and much more.

Every time I would give myself a chance, saying that this time, it will be better. And every time I would land on my face, with the same pattern of events. Until I realized that I am definitely missing something huge here.

Life was hurting me at the same place again and again because I was making the same mistake again and again. Basically, I had to learn to let go. That was the only way I would survive, shine and be at peace. And it was perhaps the toughest challenge for me — unlearning all the beliefs I had fed to myself, out of perhaps sheer selfishness.

I created a rule of 3 — to overcome this issue. Basically, if you like someone, and want to meet them, ask them at 3 random times. And if there’s no response, no favorable action, just let it go. Walk away. This works for friendships, relationships, and everything else. Why?

  1. 3 random times means you have covered probabilities (mostly) of the person having a bad day and given enough chance to get back
  2. It stops you from going overboard and becoming clingy
  3. It is a clear indicator for you to move on — because anything beyond 3 will mean you are wasting your time. What has to come to you, will come eventually
  4. It keeps you focused and it gives you the weird power of walking away at your own will. You don’t get pushed around, rather you walk away.

I am not saying this is a golden rule, but for those who find it tough to let go- it is a good rule to try. It will save you from hurt and it will save you from unnecessary strategy and overthinking.

Try it. Tell me how it goes. 3 times and done :)



Drashti Buch

Ecommerce marketeer. Love bad jokes and keep trying to infuse sense of humour in life. Single @ 38 and navigating un-societal challenges. Music Lover. Dreamer