Level Up Your SQL Skills with this Addictive Online Game!

Anup Nagdeve ⭐
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2023
Image generated via Canva

In the fast-paced world of technology, data management is a crucial skill, especially for aspiring data professionals.

While textbooks and tutorials offer essential theoretical knowledge, sometimes you need a more engaging way to sharpen your skills.

Enter SQL PD, an online game that promises to turn learning SQL into an exciting adventure.

In this article, we’ll explore SQL PD, its unique gameplay, and how it can help you level up your SQL skills while having fun.

Screenshot by Author

An Immersive Virtual Police Department Database

SQL PD takes you on a thrilling journey into the virtual world of a Police Department database.

Imagine yourself as a detective tasked with solving cases by querying and manipulating data within the database.

Each case presents a unique challenge, making learning SQL feel like solving real-world mysteries.

Here’s an example of how the case looks like:

Mission 1 Brief (Screenshot by Author)

You get a brief regarding the situation and are asked to perform certain tasks using SQL queries.

In this case, we are tasked to submit all members’ details using SQL from the database the white hat hacker provided.

Since this is the first case itself, it is quite easy and all we need to do is :


You can directly type the Code or select the functions provided in a separate box widget (refer to the below SS).

Does it also tells us where we went wrong???

For this, let’s skip inserting the semicolon after writing the query and see what happens…..

Okayyyyy so it also tells about the basic syntax error :)

After executing the query, this is our resulting table:

Tadaaaaa! The output

Now let’s submit…..

Here we goooooo!

I personally suggest you to look at the loading animation and hear the “click” sound when the query is solved successfully…….It’s like Dammmnnnnnn!

Hearing the minimal sound effects would make you feel like you are really working for some intellegience services ;)

In the same way, you need to solve as much queries as possible

And after a few cases you’ll also get a rank based on how much queries you executed. You can see your rank in the profile section.

There’s also a basic guide section available if you get stuck anywhere during the game. It highlights the basics of SQL and it’s syntax:

This game is excellent for people who want to learn SQL basics, for advanced SQL, the game is still in development.

As you progress through the game, you’ll encounter more complex scenarios.

In one case, a data breach complaint has been filed at the Police Department.

Your task is to sort all the information about the compromised database in ascending order without duplicates.

This challenge not only hones your SQL skills but also sharpens your data analysis abilities as a beginner.

In another thrilling case,

You’ll need to join multiple tables to connect the dots and solve a crime. SQL PD guides you through the process of combining data from different sources, teaching you the power of INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and other SQL join operations.

Gaining Confidence & Mastery

As you tackle more cases, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your SQL skills.

The game’s progressive difficulty ensures that you’re constantly challenged and engaged.

Plus, the bite-sized paragraphs in the game’s interface make it easy on the eyes, reducing reading fatigue and helping you stay focused on the task at hand.

Everything has it’s Limitations!

While SQL PD offers an excellent learning experience, it does come with a notable drawback.

Unlike many free online learning resources, SQL PD does not allow you to save your progress unless you subscribe to the game, which comes at a cost of $20.

This subscription is stated to last for a duration of 6 months after the game development is completed.

For some users, this subscription fee might be seen as a hefty investment for an online game.

It’s important to consider your personal budget and commitment level before deciding to subscribe.

Additionally, the inability to save progress without a subscription can be frustrating, especially if your session ends abruptly or you accidentally close the game window, causing all your progress to be lost.

Starting over from scratch can be discouraging for users who have invested time and effort in solving complex cases.


SQL PD is not just a game; it’s a valuable tool for anyone looking to master SQL while having a blast.

With its immersive virtual Police Department database and a variety of challenging cases, it’s the perfect way to learn SQL in a fun and engaging manner.

So, put on your detective hat and start your SQL adventure today!

With SQL PD, you’ll be solving data mysteries like a pro in no time.

However, be mindful of the subscription fee and the inability to save progress without it, as this might impact your overall experience with the game.



Anup Nagdeve ⭐

Data-driven marketer with a passion for exploring diverse topics. You can see me writing about data, personal growth or discovering a lesser known fact!