Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

The Variety of Lies We Tell

John O'Neill


There are at least four categories of lies: The whoppers-big lies; the ones we tell when we are acting cowardly;the ones we tell that we judge are less hurtful than the truth; and then there are the lies we tell ourselves.

I. Big lies are about important matters and are most often pronounced by leaders of governments, and leaders of religions. They include such statements as:

“We destroyed the entire infrastructure of that country so that the people who live there might be free from tyranny and oppression.”

“Climate change is a myth based on unproven science.”

“We respect all religions, but our religion is the only path to salvation.”

“ There were weapons of mass destruction there that we sought to destroy, no civilian centers were targeted.”

“ LGBTQ people are children of God, however, they need to seek forgiveness for being true to God’s design for them.”

“This virus is no worse than the yearly flu.”

“Meritocracy is the American way of life, can I help it that it is mostly white men who are found to have merit.”

II. The lies we tell because we are afraid of the consequences if we tell the truth:



John O'Neill

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.