Library — My daily delight

Transcending worlds while standing in the aisles

Fayzen K.
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Photo by Adarsh Sunil on Unsplash

Skies unraveled, dynasties conquered, love cajoled, and salvation bestowed. It’s not just an aisle but a riveting panorama of human achievement, where life finds its extremity.

After successfully surviving a hectic day at the University — the fright of presentations, the suspense of a new assignment, and obligatory socialization — I find comfort in the Library. I have never felt a place that holds the same warmth as home, and that’s a library, with its walls evocative of a mother’s arm stretched for a hug. And the roof is like a sky in all its hue, that brings the essence of all the seasons on Earth. It’s the place that accepts me in all my flaws.

The first step in the library is no less than free access to Paradise, where the welcoming smile of the librarian makes him a Guardian Angel to me. The smile acting as a luminary, brightens my way to the aisles. The slow steps approaching the aisles are enough to stimulate all the happy hormones, additionally, the bewitching book vistas cater to my euphoria.

As I pass through these books, all five of my senses get intoxicated by their aroma….. The captivating titles tempt me to hold that one book, the sweet aroma of their pages, the battle cry that can be heard, or the love through the words of Shakespeare that can be felt. There are just too many worlds immaculately kept together in these bookshelves.

As the closing time approaches, each tick of the clock makes me more susceptible to wicked ideas such as hiding away somewhere so I could get locked in there and read all the books until dawn.



Fayzen K.

A young, passionate and an ambitious boy. Writes for fun, to express idea and above all, to embark on a journey while making friends on the way.