What is life?
It is funny to think about what life is and why it is. We always ask the question at the end: does it matter at all? If you live enough, then probably yes; if you haven’t, the answer should be yes. The experience to live and the opportunity to exist is enough to make that answer yes. The other question would be, did life turn out how I wanted it to? Most of the answers would probably be no, and it is good enough that you still have an answer. Some don’t, and some don’t have a chance to express themselves. I would probably say no if I had to tell if it would matter. Nothing matters. I am going to die; the world will continue to exist till it is swallowed up by the sun, and there won’t be a piece of evidence that life existed, nor will there be evidence that Earth existed. Everything will crumble, and to dust, we all will return. Then why do we exist, why do we fight, why do we love, why do we hate, why do we cry, why do we laugh? I don’t know. But the pursuit is enough, the try is enough, and who knows, on the way of your pursuit, you may find it or may not. But it is more than a gift that we exist, experience, feel, hate, love, cry, laugh. Maybe life is more than what we think, and we don’t even know what it is until we lose. And for now, love is my answer. And to see if she loves me or not is my pursuit. Others are secondary.