
20 Simple Ways to Make Anyone Believe You’re Pretty Darn Confident

Saleeha Som
Published in
8 min readOct 9, 2022


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

We all have a tendency to be overly harsh on ourselves occasionally. All attractive women may identify something about themselves that they dislike, and some experts believe that attractive women are never intelligent enough. And this is just another evidence that insecurity has nothing to do with intelligence or attractiveness.

The psychological strategies we’ve compiled in this post give us great confidence, and we hope they’ll help you become a more assured individual.

1. Start to look confident.

The first indication of insecurity is hunching over, so stand up straight immediately. Additionally, check sure you are sitting and standing upright. After you correct your posture, pay close attention to what you say. Quit babbling. Speak with a deep, steady tone that conveys confidence to both you and the person you are speaking to. Also keep in mind that people who are confident never walk with their toes pointed inward.

2. Get rid of the insecurity markers from your speech.

Can I…, it appears…, probably…, probably…, if you don’t mind…, and could you…? — these words don’t only serve as filler. They serve as indicators of insecurity as well. Stop utilising them and completely forget about them. Just take a moment to think before using a “insecure” word. Anxiety and pauses are regarded as indicators of honesty.

3. Return to your childhood.

Psychologists claim that the more you strive to overcome your fears, the more difficult it becomes. Investigating the cause of the issue is the best course of action. When you were a child, perhaps someone made a comment about your huge ears or small eyes. Do you realise how absurd it is for you to still hold that belief today?

4. Find your strengths.

Okay, so maybe your teeth aren’t particularly attractive. But what about you do you like? Find your smile, your gorgeous eyes, and your wonderful skin in the mirror to start building your self-esteem from scratch once more. You’ll also notice that, overall, your face looks excellent and that having large ears doesn’t really matter.

5. Say goodbye to people who belittle your confidence.

Did your acquaintance bring up the fact that your legs are fat? This is a significant reason to reevaluate your friendship and self-worth. According to psychological research, those who have poor self-esteem may experience negative treatment from others.

Rethink your interactions with others. Get rid of the people in your life right away if they constantly speak negatively about you in order to make themselves feel better.

6. Talk about your strengths.

Try to think back on your most memorable experiences and recognise all of your accomplishments, no matter how minor. Create a diary where you can keep track of these happenings.

We don’t frequently tell others about our accomplishments since we have a propensity to be humble. We worry that they’ll think we’re just strutting our stuff. However, a part of you is also persuading yourself that you are significant and worthwhile when you boast about your accomplishments to others.

7. Don’t try to appear better than you are.

We usually prefer to show ourselves in the best possible light and keep our imperfections a secret whether we go on a first date or try to impress a potential employer. However, even if you are picked and hired, you can’t hide for very long, and they will eventually see your deficiencies, thus this is a lose-lose situation. Additionally, the idea that you’re making an effort to look better than you are could even turn off some people.

8. Stick to your opinion.

Do you firmly believe in a particular point of view? In that case, you must create one. This does not imply that you should be obstinate and shut out advice from others. However, you should still value your own judgement. Being able to maintain a solid position and point of view over time makes you a stronger person. This tactic can assist you in overcoming uncertainty and preventing manipulation by others.

9. Remember all your hard feelings.

It’s advised that we try to let go of all of our negative emotions as quickly as possible. But when we bury these unfavourable feelings inside, we don’t get rid of them. This burden only grows heavier with time, making our lives more challenging. Just take a seat and focus. List all of your grudges in writing. Once you’ve finished, let them go one at a time. By doing this, you will eventually learn how to manage your bad feelings and go beyond them with ease.

10. Admit your mistakes.

The same rule applies here: by denying the experience that your life is offering you, you ignore your own inadequacies and failures. All you need to do is record each of these circumstances, your choices, and the outcomes. Make your own judgments regarding each and every case. How can calling each and every circumstance a mistake benefit you? What does it educate you, exactly?

11. Get rid of gender stereotypes.

How often have you heard that women should dress modestly and maintain a healthy weight? So frequently that you genuinely think it? This is how someone with intelligence can turn uninteresting in an effort to conform to ridiculous gender norms. And how many men struggle with hiding their vulnerability and flaws? It’s time to put the myth that “men don’t weep” to rest once and for all. People will feel more liberated to be themselves in this way.

12. Describe the roles you play.

We’re all covered up. That is typical. But occasionally, people lose sight of their true selves. And each time they do this, they sacrifice a piece of who they are in order to live up to someone else’s expectations, which lowers their self-esteem. Try to recall all of your roles, including when, where, who you are with, and the circumstances under which you behave differently. What makes you do that? How does this action benefit you? How do you stay true to yourself while yet having positive, healthy relationships with other people?

13. Take care of your health.

Taking care of your health is an excellent place to start if you don’t know how to love yourself. Purchase a gym membership and make a doctor visit. Your appearance will alter as your lifestyle does. And to have a healthy sense of self-worth, you must start with this fundamental action.

14. Become the center of attention.

People that are insecure are afraid of being noticed. But facing your anxieties is the only way to overcome them. You should discover a means to become a public speaker if giving a speech in front of an audience makes you queasy.

Try using yourself as a model if your employment prevents you from attending conferences or at the very least, some types of meetings. Pose for photographers or take part in a photo shoot. You’ll grow used to not taking other people’s opinions as seriously by drawing their attention.

15. Wear a “bracelet of happiness.”

Try to recall the times when you performed well and everything went according to plan. Put on a piece of jewellery that will be connected to your accomplishment when something positive occurs, like when you achieve something. Now, whenever you have any doubts, just look at your “bracelet of happiness,” and all of your uncertainties will vanish.

16. Do not change your opinion.

Every morning, millions of women struggle with the “I have nothing to wear” dilemma. Psychologists advise picking the first concept that comes to mind. Also, put on your blue dress even if you know it doesn’t suit you well.

Teach yourself to respect your decision, even in the smallest matters. When dining out, avoid requesting recommendations from the wait staff. Choose your own route to work each morning and stick with it. Once you learn to listen to your inner voice, you’ll find that making decisions is much simpler for you.

17. Get rid of shame and guilt.

A potent manipulative tool is guilt. People use it as a tool to control you, and it begins in childhood. Sometimes overly concerned parents make their kids feel bad for even the minor mistakes they made. Many people get used to this emotion as children, and as adults, they find it difficult to deal with guilt and are susceptible to manipulation.

When you forgive everyone you have wronged, don’t forget to forgive yourself as well. Keep in mind that, even if you aren’t aware of it, keeping a grudge is always a decision. Destructive actions include feeling guilty or placing the blame on another person. Don’t let anyone try to take this feeling from you.

18. Figure out what’s getting in the way of you reaching your goal.

Your objective should be written down on a piece of paper. Then, list the reasons why you are currently unable to attain it. Then, create a sentence that contrasts one of the reasons, such as “I’m strong,” “I’m pretty,” “I’m affluent,” “I’m successful,” and so on. Then invite a close friend or loved one to touch your shoulder and speak this phrase to you.

While walking, you can repeat this to yourself. You may teach your body to memorise a constructive style of thinking in this way.

19. Find your flaw on a celebrity.

Do you have short legs or crooked teeth? Examine an actor or actress who shares your looks closely. For instance, Gerard Butler mentions in one of their interviews how sometimes makeup professionals have to glue his protruding ears back in place. Ashton Kutcher has webbed toes, while Mila Kunis has different-colored eyes. Despite the virtually limitless options, including cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, not all celebrities are motivated to address their issues. Why don’t you do as they do and wear them as a part of your appearance?

20. Find the insecurity in your body.

Try to be as specific as you can while describing your emotions of insecurity, and then locate them in your body. Concentrate when you close your eyes. What comes to mind when you feel this way? How does it appear? Where on your body is it located? Make an association when responding to these questions. The insecurity is sometimes compared to a black hole or a swamp, but your comparison should be distinct.

After then, work on enhancing this emotion and imagining it reaching its height. Continue until the insecurity simply bursts like a soap bubble, releasing you.

A very crucial piece of advice is to quit caring about what other people think, despite the fact that it is extremely inconsequential. Forget about the prejudices that the media and the film industry have established. Additionally, try to comprehend the source of any want you have to alter something about yourself. Simply dismiss the insecurity if it stems from these stereotypes. Don’t you think that being at peace with oneself is much more important? Give us your thoughts!

