Life-Changing Reliable Advice From an Ancient Deity

The Morrigan‘s advice shook me



This image is by the author.

The Morrigan is an ancient Celtic deity. She has a reputation for helping with fights, wars, prosperity, and even healing.

The true list of her talents is even bigger than that. She is also connected to Morgan le Fay from King Arther.

I had the resources to communicate with her before I became a medium myself. I still communicate with her to this day.

The Morrigan always tells it like it is.

At the time, my intuition and tarot cards were telling me someone was going to betray me. Low and behold, I was right. Not long later The Morrigan had told me such.

Warning signs

One of her signs of warning to me was seeing 4 crows in my ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s yard.

Before I started talking to The Morrigan, crows were a rare sight for me.

Crows are a sign of The Morrigan. She often uses them to convey messages.

By itself, 4 is a bad luck number in many Asian cultures. In Japanese and in other Asian languages, the number 4 sounds like the word for death.

This isn’t to say the angel number 4444 is bad. That’s different. There are even 4 directions, and…




I’m a psychic medium on Medium. •BA in Psychology •Substitute teacher •Lover of pink 🪄Join Medium: