Life Gives You Lemons and Teaches You Lessons. But, Are They Worth it?

Unheard But Loved (#Writer #Art #Life)
Published in
5 min readSep 8, 2022

I think this is one of the most famous sayings, isn’t it? Life is hard. We have all known it since we came of age or started to understand what was happening around us.

But, I think once in our lifetime, we do ask, why do we “unheard but loved” get to face more lessons than the others? Or if these lessons we get are even worth it?

Note: This is a bot-generated image whose copyright is with the Author, using Metaverse. “Every victorious warrior draws his strength from the highest source; his love & higher self ― Tapan Ghosh” The Art piece is inspired by Helen of Troy because I believe that she was the perfect representation of a Goddess in the Era of War. And don’t you think we are too? But this time: it’s the War Against Our Emotions!

Honestly, saying if they’re or aren’t worth it depends on you. But the first thing we have to understand is that the lessons are important. Good or bad, it all comes with a lesson that we might not use today but might come in handy for you or someone you know. Some leave a bittersweet imprint on one’s heart, while some just have a sour taste in our lives. But all in all, it can be harsh, making you grow before its time, doesn’t it?

However, how many times have you taken the time to sit back and analyze them? Maybe just look back at it once it has passed by you? I strongly believe it’s a “rare scenario”, especially for people like us who give themselves to everyone but ourselves. It’s truly a shame, I have come to realize. But today, I want to bring you to this because no more than I can understand, how things hurt.

Today, I want to focus on these lemons and squeeze out a lesson. I want you to look back at the most basic one with me.

Let me know first if you tick any these checkboxes, alright:

  1. You just keep your emotions aside when someone just comes to you, pushing every single thing at the back of your mind and never visiting them again.
  2. You give yourself completely to others so you can be there for them, pushing everything, even something like happiness, under the rug for them.
  3. You are there no matter what, even when you’re taken for granted, thinking they will realize it, one time or the other.
  4. Do you feel like working on your emotions isn’t worth it? Why spend the energy on analyzing them when we can do something productive, right?
  5. You forgot to be you. You feel like if you do something for yourself, you’ll lose someone. Or maybe you just do something because it makes them happy, so much so that you forget yourself and your identity again.

I think if you find yourself even in one, I’ll just say “Welcome to the club, Mr./Miss Unheard But Loved.” This is your lesson, because yes, you haven’t taken the time to even think about it until now, am I right? And this is not your usual “Love yourself first” advice, don’t worry! Because I know we have all been there and done that. However, it does bring us to our Lesson №1.

Lesson № 1: We are Warriors & Our Emotions? Our War chest!

All I am going to say is, “We are Warriors.” You need to know that. Even though life gave us lemons, more than we deserved, but as the saying goes, life only gives us what we are strong enough to handle. So, you can take it, and you need to accept it. It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. That was me to you: Lesson №1! We wear our emotions on our sleeves, but let me tell you, it’s not for all to be a part of.

Love is given, but it needs to be balanced by the acts of others.

Note: This is a bot-generated image whose copyright is with the Author, using Metaverse.

“True Balance is being a warrior when it comes to what matters and being gentle with yourself when life throws a curveball. Because being a warrior is truly not about fighting. It is about the ability, courage, and commitment to end the war within ourselves and not quit till the job is done.” — Sara Avant Stover & Richard Machowicz

We spend ourselves, but forget that we need to be nourished too. And that brings us to Lesson №2!

Lesson № 2: Asking Something for Yourself Is Not Wrong!

Love is selfless, yes, but it doesn’t equate to being “taken for granted/always available”. Every relationship is a two-way street, be it family, friends, or someone you love. You need to be giving but open to receiving too. You’re not just meant to be spent; you need to be replenished too.

This means “not feeling guilty” about asking someone you love (friends, family, or any relationship alike) for something you need: their time, attention, and presence.

To remind you every time that you’re loved just the way you are when you don’t show it but need it, and the ones who love you would know it, just like you do. But never beg for what should be yours, and that my love is Lesson №3.

Lesson № 3: You don’t need to beg for something that should already be yours. If it isn’t, run before it’s too late.

Trust me, this leaves a hole in your heart if you don’t recognize it sooner. You love deeply my “unheard but loved”, though sometimes that’s not enough and you forget that. You need to love and accept them, but you also need to be “loved”. You deserve to be treated like a king or queen, not just because it’s what people expect, but because you do give your everything to people “you love”. Learn to differentiate between what I say, “reel love” and “real love”.

Reel love, for me, is what you see online, or how they’re with you at the beginning, and “real love” is what outshines itself when you don’t understand yourself, but they’re there for you. For once, they’re not selfish but selfless when it comes to being there for you.

The most basic example that is most commonly seen is people avoiding each other with excuses. They might be minimal at first, but they grow rapidly. And if you see that happening, don’t ignore it; just let it go.

Because it might sound cheesy, but what belongs to you does come back to you. Fighting it as people say is needed, but “most of the time,” it isn’t, since it might push them away harder. Sad but true.

Know Your Worth

So know this, my love, that when life throws you curveballs, it isn’t always meant for us to shove them under the rug, because, like it or not, they burden us so much that it overpowers our happiness.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to deal with it right away, but you have to be willing to take a step forward rather than have it pull you under the tsunami of your “under the rug” emotions.

Just know that you’re loved, you’re accepted, and you’re a warrior. This “analysis” of love and its definition awakens the God/Goddess in you whose power is within them and has been waiting to be unleashed by these lessons.



Unheard But Loved (#Writer #Art #Life)

Being unheard today is as common as getting an ice-cream. I am amongst “those unheard” but somehow loved. I am here to bring “their” attention to “the love”.