Life Has a Way of Making Us Sit Up And Take Notice

Getting older is not for sissies

Marsha Hamby Savage


Personal Items In My Studio, wall art, box of pastels and family memorabilia — photo courtesy of the author Marsha Hamby Savage
Personal Items In My Studio — photo courtesy of the author Marsha Hamby Savage

How many times have you said the above sentence about getting older is not for sissies?

We make it through something hard but come out on the other side of that with a renewed interest in living a better life!

I hope you are living your life with purpose!

My other wish for you is that you are being and learning what is most important.

Gather your friends and hold them in high esteem. They have chosen you also to be a friend of theirs. That is high praise, in my opinion.

Yesterday, I attended a “Celebration of Life” of a very close friend, one of my husband’s and mine who passed away at too early an age.

We have known her since early school days and that means sixty (60) plus years. We ate dinner out or at one of our homes, traveled to events and vacations with them almost weekly for many years. They were present at many of our family events, and we were at theirs.

Be sure to let them know you treasure the friendship and all it takes is a short phone call just to say and ask, “I was thinking of you. How are you doing today?”

Take inventory of what you consider…



Marsha Hamby Savage

I am an Artist! Being an artist feels like I have a connection to nature. I am also writing a book about being an artist! My website: