Life is all about…what?

Is this really what life is about? Is this really how we are supposed to live?

Shareen Aqueel
2 min readDec 20, 2023


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I’m getting these questions in my mind a lot lately. I don’t know if it’s the Depressing December effect even though I love December and winters or what, but I keep asking myself, What really is life? This question keeps circling around in my head these past few days.

I wonder every day if life is really all about buying expensive things and then showing them off. If it’s about getting envious of others when you see them successful or if it’s about waiting for the weekend so you can sleep? Is life really that boring? That meaningless?

I mean, I have absolutely no idea as well if you ask me why are these questions in my mind all of a sudden but it is what it is, right? So why not deal with it? Why not face the fact that I feel like there’s no use of my existence right now and that life feels like a constant loop of passing every day waiting for Friday and doing absolutely nothing else the whole week. Nothing productive, nothing worthwhile, nothing good. And at last, when Friday arrives, I spend it wishing it’ll never end but let’s be real, that doesn’t happen and so, there comes Monday and the loop repeats.

If I’m being honest, I thought life is all about giving love and kindness, and being generous and polite, and making people smile and giving them compliments, and being happy when someone accomplishes their goal, and surprising your loved ones with small but given-with-love gifts, and hugging your friends, and holding hands with your other half, and treasuring your parents, and…and everything but this. Everything but what we’re busy doing every day. Every single minute. Hating, loathing, and just being everything we’re not supposed to be. Is that what life is all about? Or what life is supposed to be about? No. It’s not. And all of us know that.

What is up with us? Why have we turned into this emotionless beings who don’t give a damn about anyone’s feelings? And that they have a heart in their chest which hurts as well? Yes, life has indeed given us all challenges and hard times but again, isn’t that what life is all about? So why not live it like it’s supposed to be lived? Freely? Willingly? Generously? Why not live it like, yes, it’s our first time living but it’s also everyone else’s first time living too? Why? Or why not?

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Shareen Aqueel

Avid reader with a knack for writing about food, books, movies & traveling.