Life Lesson To Learn From The King Of The Jungle

Why is the lion the king of the jungle? Let’s learn a lesson from the king of the jungle.

Sundar Balamurugan
2 min readAug 1, 2022


Image by Ingo Stiller on unsplash

Everyone in this world would have heard the quote Lion is the King of the Jungle. Let’s just jump in and analyze the reason why it is the most famous quote that comes up.

So, here are some of the animals in the jungle with their strength:
1. The Elephant is the biggest.
2. The Giraffe is the tallest.
3. The Fox is the wisest.
4. The Cheetah is the fastest.

A lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinion of sheep — George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones.

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Yet, the Lion is termed The KING of the jungle even without ANY of these qualities.

Let’s find the reason why?

Here are some of the reason that differentiates the lion from the rest of the animals in the jungle.

  1. The Lion is courageous, bold, walks with confidence, dares anything, and is never afraid.
  2. The Lion believes it is unstoppable.
  3. The Lion is a risk taker.
  4. The Lion believes any animal is food for him.
  5. The Lion believes any opportunity is worth giving a trial.
  6. The Lion never lets an opportunity slip from its hands.

The lion never fears walking alone. — Lailah Gifty Akita

So, here are things you can understand from the lion’s lifestyle.

Things you don’t need to be.
1. You don’t need to be the fastest.
2. You don’t need to be the wisest.
3. You don’t need to be the smartest.
4. You don’t need to be the most brilliant.

Things You Must Need
1. All you need is courage.
2. All you need is the will to try.
3. All you need is the faith to believe it is possible.
4. All you need is to believe in yourself, that you can do it.!!

The Lion sleeps for 20 hours and works for 4 hours and yet eats meat.
But the elephant works for 24 hours and eats grass.

Your life’s strategy matters most in your approach to circumstances & situations for you to be a champion or winner always.

Stay in Lion’s mood!

That’s the mood for winners

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Sundar Balamurugan

I am a Computer Vision Engineer. I talk, read, and write about Technology , startups , Sports, Cryptocurrency.