Life Lessons That Step-Parenting Taught Me

Making the choice to love and nurture when you don’t have to. Every single day.

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I was destined to become a stepmother and I am great at it. I became a stepmom way before I even thought of having children of my own.

To me, stepparenting entails many things.

Sometimes it is trying to establish normalcy while only seeing the child every other day. Or being ok that anything you promote during your weekend can be forgotten when don’t see the child. It’s trying to build memories during the visits you have and it is being excited for a vacation with the child.

It is the sadness you can feel when the child misses a special occasion for which she/he should be present. But it’s also the opportunity to make special plans for the time when the child is with you and give them your undivided attention.

It’s understanding that I cannot afford to make mistakes with my stepchild the way I would with my biological children. It is choosing to love the child, despite all the obstacles that life may put in my way. It is choosing to see them as a part of my family when they are not there.

It is hoping that the little time I have with the child will leave a lasting impression, and someday they will appreciate the…



Curated Newsletters

Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!