Life was so much simpler back then

do you ever just wanna go back to the good old days of being a kid?

2 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

The memories I got from this place are straight-up unforgettable. If I had the chance to go back to my childhood, there’s so much I’d wanna do differently.

I miss just being able to play outside without a care in the world, not worrying about anything except having a good time. None of the problems we gotta deal with these days.

I’d wanna recapture that pureness, carefree joy. Just running around, getting dirty, not giving a damn about anything except having fun with my friends. No stress, no worries, no responsibilities weighing me down. Just pure happiness.

I’d wanna appreciate all the little things I took for granted back then too. The simple pleasures, like the feeling of the sun on my skin, the sound of laughter echoing in the streets, the taste of my mom’s home-cooked meals. I’d soak it all in, you know? Really be present in the moment instead of always looking ahead or dwelling on the past.

Most of all, I’d wanna protect that innocence, that untainted perspective on the world. Before I start to see the darkness, the cruelty, the unfairness of it all. Before the reality of this messed up world starts to weigh me down and mess with my mental health. I’d do anything to go back to that time when I didn’t have a care in the world, when I could just be a kid and not have to worry about surviving in this tough-as-nails environment. If I had the chance, I’d hold onto that carefree spirit with everything I’ve got.

Nowadays, it’s like you can just feel all the pain and crap going on, it’s so heavy on the mind. Your mental health gets messed up, fr. You see the reality of how cruel and messed up this world can be, how unfair it all is. And trying to survive in this kind of environment? That’s a whole other struggle.

“Thinking back on all the awesome stuff from childhood is like hitting the nostalgia jackpot. Those memories are like a warm blanket on a cold day, wrapping you up in all the fun and carefree days of being a kid. It’s like a time machine that takes you back to a place where everything was just pure magic.”

