Life Will Punch In The Face: Here Are 5 Steps To Turn A KO Into An OK

3. Stop Blaming Luck

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


“Everybody has a plan until they get punched on the face.”

–Mike Tyson

When was the last time you were KO?

Are you building resilience in your life?

Are you feeling OK today?

I woke up. I was lost. How long has it been?

I did not remember anything before the event.

It was like everything was wiped out of my head.

It lasted like hours for me.

I was maybe 8 years old. I was in the streets of Dakar, Senegal.

It was summer. We are not used to going elsewhere during summer.

We just use the streets as our playfield.

That day, we were playing soccer on the main street of our neighborhood.

The thing is that it is the same street for cars.

I was knocked out by a cab that rendered me unconscious for a couple of minutes.

Reflecting on it now, I see it is not such a big deal. Yet then, that could have been worse.



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

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