Life’s Equation: The Fascinating Balance of Zeros

Experience life in a zero state

Dr. Shalini Garg
3 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Jenna Norman on Unsplash

Life’s journey is indeed a fascinating equation, with zero marking both our arrival and our departure from this world.

We come into this world with nothing and leave it with nothing making emptiness framing our entire existence.

So why do we make such a big fuss in between?

Why the relentless pursuit of achievements and possessions, knowing that none of it accompanies us in the end?

It’s worth taking a moment to think about.

The root of many problems is when we complicate life’s mathematics, attempting to add more ones and zeros.

But no matter how hard we try, in the end, it all adds up to zero.

Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

In this equation called life, there are two realms to consider: the physical world and the spiritual world.

The physical world comprises everything we accumulate during our time here – relationships, wealth, career, health which exists only as long as our physical body does.

The entry and exit to this physical world is predetermined by the higher power. It provides us a vehicle in the form of body to cross the journey of life and when the journey is over the vehicle is taken away leaving us with nothing.

The spiritual world, however, deals with our soul.

This spiritual account, unlike our worldly zero, is a record of debits and credits accumulated through our deeds across various lives.

The goal of this spirit or soul journey is to balance these accounts;

To settle these accounts, we reincarnate repeatedly until our balance reaches zero, so that we can achieve moksha, and meet our higher self, the supreme soul.

However, most of us become fixated on the physical aspect of life, spending our days chasing material possessions, fame, and family obligations. We forget our true purpose that is balancing our spiritual accounts through noble deeds and selfless service. By focusing solely on the physical realm, we complicate the equation, creating more accounts instead of settling previous ones.

In doing so, we overlook the importance of our spiritual growth.

Each action in the physical world should ideally contribute towards balancing this spiritual ledger, through acts of kindness, integrity, and by serving not just ourselves and our immediate circles but humanity at large.

To balance life’s equation effectively, we must be in the awareness of nothingness.

Operating from this perspective allows us to act without desperation or competition, detached from outcomes, and with a broader vision. Zero may seem insignificant, but it forms the foundation for everything – it’s the balance we strive to achieve, ensuring we leave this world with no debits to carry into the next.

Zero is not just a void; it’s a potent state of potential. In this state, we aren’t swayed by anger, frustration, or overwhelming joy. We experience life’s highs and lows with a calm detachment, knowing that everything is transient and will ultimately return to zero.

This mindset prepares us for life’s transitions smoothly, allowing us to let go easily when the time comes, without the burdens of attachment. Therefore, embracing life from the perspective of zero isn’t about leading a joyless existence; rather, it’s about experiencing the richness of life without getting ensnared by it, always aware that the ultimate goal is to return to zero, free and unencumbered for whatever comes next.



Dr. Shalini Garg

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.