Light Mission

A Lightworker’s pre incarnation contract.

Rebecca Romanelli


Kristopher Roller/unsplash

I’m holding center point in a circle of other Light Beings, all members of my pod. We have gathered for a final review of the life I am poised to embark on. This is a vital rite of passage we all celebrate before earthly embodiment.

I am addressed by a Light Council Elder, an elevated yet humble soul with a shine so bright we all draw closer to bask in the sun.

Dearly beloved,

The Inter Galactic Federation of Lightworkers is responding to your request for incarnation on Planet Earth. This is your opportunity to move forward as planned or to rework your future design. Are you willing to move forward?

Yes, I am ready to continue on the path I have chosen.

Light increases in intensity as my pod and the council members beam brilliance in full support of my decision. They are very aware it is not an easy one.

We will commence with highlighting your journey to come.

Prior to conception you will pass through the River of Forgetting as required of all incarnating beings. For many this feels like a painful separation from source, a mistaken perception for source is your very life, not something that…



Rebecca Romanelli

Heart Navigator-Forever Untamed-Inner Child Never Left-Global Citizen-who can’t go a day without Nature.