“Little Bastard” — A Brief Reflection on Words and Meaning

Sometimes words don’t actually mean what you think.

Tim Wright, Ph.D.


Old black & white photo of little boy sitting in a chair and holding a ball.
Timmy Wright — “The Little Bastard” — family photo

Words are funny. Not necessarily “ha-ha” funny, but more “interesting” funny. They can mean different things to different people. They might sound like an insult to someone outside of a relationship, while the real “meaning” might be an intimate expression of love and affection.

Hopefully, this personal example will illustrate what I’m talking about.

Gestational Math.

“November to December … One.”

“December to January … Two.”

“February … Three.”

“March, April, May … Four, five, six.”


I counted it out in my head a few more times before gathering up the courage to talk with Mama.

“You and Daddy were married in November, right?”

“Yes,” she said, not really understanding where I was going with my question.

“And I was born in May.”

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked down at her feet. I watched her body start to shake slightly as she stood in front of me, trying not to breathe. Huge tears slowly filled her eyes and began sliding…

