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Little Homelands

Rigópoula T Tsambounieris
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2020


Those little journeys I travailed — upon the birthed conception of a dream

before it ever departed the realm of possibility,

those journey’s traveled in dream, by day, and

in the shadow of a prayer’s end — a candles drowning gasp for breath —

those little journey’s, I traveled, my love — on the little years, the duration of

that one blink, that shattered my eyes — my soul grew roots — on the charted

earth of a journeys flight — the templet of a loom, a threaded plight

and bloomed between the leaves of your heart —

name changes, stamped in the time-lapsed stills in the passports of my mind

— fading colour

Journey’s short revised by life’s undisciplined rule of time — I visited upon

a simper, that curled around the jet of your inner-seas

those little journey’s, my love — my shortest dream

The shortest course upon longest road to journeys end — you

Those little journey’s, repatriated in the little homeland of my memories

length — the dream that breathed out the flame of my thirsting candle, beneath



Rigópoula T Tsambounieris

In my spare time, I’ll be found at my favorite writing spot— where death surely cannot miss me. I’ve been censored... I do not tell—all.