Little Violinist

Episode #2

Agnes Laurens
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2020


Photo by Pablo Lauria on Unsplash

Vivianne, an eight-year-old little book-lover, came looked at that book while putting it back on the bookshelf. Her mother looked at her when she walked out of the shop. Vivianne got her coin out of the little shoulder bag she had around her body. She felt awful if she bought that book she wanted while someone else needed it more than she does. The coin in her hand glimpsed in the sunlight. The late sunlight of October.

This man played the Autumn of The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi. Vivianne stayed in front of him after she put that coin in his violin case. She started listening for about half an hour. Her mom was still in the shop.

That violinist stopped for a while to thank that little girl for adding the coin to the violin case.

“Thank you so much for your coin. Didn’t you want to buy a book from your coin?”

“No sir, you need it more than I need it.”

The Man with a little tinted skin colour looked at the little girl. There were tears coming over his cheek. He didn’t expect this from this little girl. He was so glad that there are still good people in the world. In the last few years, people are only thinking about themselves.



Agnes Laurens

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters. https://linktr.ee/alaurens