Living Alone For The First Time? Here’s How To Choose The Right Home.

A handy guide to selecting an apartment or house to live alone in.

Miki Sim


Photo by deborah cortelazzi on Unsplash

Moving out to live alone for the first time or after a long time is exciting and yet terrifying. The hardest decision to make is going to be about choosing an apartment or house. A good choice will help you live more comfortably alone for at least the next year (usually). A bad experience is going to be amplified since you will be living alone. It can even become dangerous. It’s always important to research and consider thoroughly before making a choice, whether it’s a rental or a purchase. Below is a list of important factors I have used to help me select different places to live alone. I hope it can help you in your journey to find your first home:

Amount of space

A good, fun, and less stressful start to the journey is to imagine yourself living alone in your new home. How much space do you need? Is a studio enough? Or do you need a one-bedroom? Maybe two-bedroom? I’m not judging here at all! When we live with someone else, whether it’s our family or roommate, we are used to being inside our room for privacy. But that doesn’t always mean that a studio set-up is the best for you. If you prefer a sleeping place to be for sleeping purely, go for at least a…



Miki Sim

💡 Modern marketing, business, tech, culture & philosophy | Platforms & Community Director at VaynerMedia APAC 👾 |