Living Life in Monk Mode Has Been a Breakthrough

I realized there is more treasure in minimalism

Writer's Dream
4 min readMay 9, 2024


A young woman looks unexcited about life. The boredom makes her analyze the real priorities of life.
Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Nobody likes boredom. Nowadays, the easiest way to fill our free time is by scrolling the mobile phone.

The notification alert of social media platforms excites our lives to a new high. Most of us cannot think of spending time alone without doing anything. We call it a boring life.

However, we do not realize that frequent boredom is an escape from the busy world to connect to our inner guidance. It allows us to pause, breathe, and reflect. Boredom and mundane jobs let our minds access the unchartered territories of imagination and thought. We can follow our dreams without the obligation of expectations and deadlines.

I spent boring weekends for the last two years. Initially, I was sad that my life was unexciting, but later, I realized the hidden treasures beneath these boring weekends.

1. Find happiness with bare minimum supplies

In childhood, I thought ticking off my wishlist would make me the happiest person on earth.

After growing up, I have learned to be happy with whatever I have.

After moving to the new city, I planned to explore all the places with my married sister. However, due to her priorities, I could not hang out with her more than 1–2 times. I planned for a happening weekend with her. I live a boring weekend all by myself. But you know what, this boring weekend gives me more happiness than spending my time in any crowd.

This boring weekend has allowed me to meditate.

  • It has taught me to find out what makes me happy.
  • It has taught me the importance of sometimes not doing anything.

Less is always more for my mental peace.

We thought the more stuff and people are there in life, the happier we become. The reality is the opposite.

Alone time brings you closer to your authentic self.

2. Dress as if you are celebrating

The world perceives you the way you present yourself.

If you attire decently, it has many benefits.

  • You feel good
  • When you feel good, you exude good vibe
  • When you send out good energy to the world, it attracts good people to you

If you are doing a mundane job, dress like a winner.

I am not saying to wear expensive clothes.

Try to look at your best self wherever you go and whatever you do.

3. Discipline is everything in life

A few years ago, I would not sleep on Friday nights.

  • I watched movies
  • I played games
  • I read books

The next day, I felt like a zombie.

I realized I needed the discipline to have control of my day.

The present Friday routine is the same as every other day.

  • I finish my dinner by 9:30 p.m.
  • By 10:30 p.m. I am asleep
  • Before sleep, I read books instead of watching YouTube

This routine gives me good quality sleep to start the next day with high energy.

The boring weekend educated me that discipline in every area of your life is the basis of your happiness.

4. Walking solves most problems

A 15-minute walk solves 90% of my problems.

When I started living alone, sometimes I felt irritated and demotivated. I did not know what to do.

One day, I went outside for a walk( because I had no other option to calm my racing thoughts).

After walking, I emerged as a new person.

All my problems magically vanished.

Scientific studies show the miraculous benefits of walking.

  • Improves energy level
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves mood, memory, and sleep
  • Strengthens immune system

5. How you feel is more important than what others perceive you

The majority of our lives are a reflection of others’ perception of what we are.

We lose ourselves to make others happy. As a result, we feel irritated and not in sync with our hearts.

Living a boring weekend taught me whatever I do, feeling is vital for my overall well-being.

Previously, I did what others expected me to do. Now, I do what makes me feel at peace with myself.

There is a big lesson in that.

6. Writing helps to navigate your feelings

Finally, a boring weekend taught me to write.

I have consistently written for about 12 months now.

How did I start writing?

It helped me to beat loneliness.

I did not have any agenda when I started writing. For the first few months, I wrote on any topics I loved.

Gradually, I learned about the earning potential from writing. Then, I started writing on niche topics like online writing tips and simple lifestyle productivity.

I created FREE ebooks and learned using Gumroad.

I started my newsletter and created my Ko-fi account.

I have been posting regularly on Twitter for the last two months.

I started using these writing platforms a few months ago. But, initially, I wrote to release all the thoughts from my mind to the paper.

  • It reduced anxiety
  • It improved thought clarity
  • It enhances decision-making ability
  • It made me feel light

When you are starting to write, first do free-flowing writing. When you get enough clarity on what you want to write about to start an online writing business, then write on those niche topics.

Sometimes, daily writing will become boring. But every exciting thing becomes boring after some time.

Life will get boring after a certain point.

The point is to do that job that gives you happiness even if it’s boring.

Successful people choose a mundane job that they love. So it never feels boring to them.

Unsuccessful people fail to tap into their souls to search for what they want.

Live in monk mode for a few months to calibrate the compass of your life to the north star of your soul.

Thank you for reading! If you like my writing, click here for a FREE ebook on developing daily writing habits.

